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P revention notto stroll barefootinareas wh ere h ookworm is com m onand wh ere th ere m ay be h um anfecal contam inationofth e soil Infectioncanalso be prevented by notdefecating outdoor & by efficient sewage disposalsystem s Enterobius verm icularis the parasite P inworm;sm all,wh ite round worm h as a directlife cycle with no tissue m igrate ph ase one ofth e m ostcom m onintestinalnem atodes eggs are notresistantto desiccation:survive 6-12 h eggs rem ainviable fora few weeks incolder, m ore h um id environm ents th e adultworm s inh abitth e cecum & colon + ~ 10 m m inlength > three m m > dies righ tafterm ating + m igrate outth e anus depositing eggs onth e perianalskin the parasite h um ans getth is infectionby m outh & by autoinfection h um ans are th e solely species th atcan transferth is parasite h ouseh old pets like dogs & cats can not becom e contaminated eggs cansurvive inth e indoorenvironm ent for2-three wk incubationperiod of1 2 m onth s orlonger L ife cycle infective eggs are ingested th e larvae h atch inth e sm all gut th e adults set up th em selves inth e colon th e tim e intervalfrom ingestionof infective eggs to ovipositionby th e adultfem ales is about4 wk life spanofth e adults is ~ eight wk gravid + m igrate nocturnally exterior th e anus;crawling onth e skin eggs are deposited onperianalfolds th e larvae developinth e eggs th e eggs becom e infective in4 6 h T ransm ission  S elf-an infection:transferring infective eggs to th e m outh with h ands th ath ave scratch ed th e perianalarea  P erson-to-individual:th rough h andling ofcontam inated cloth es orbed linens,curtains,carpeting  A irborne:som e eggs m ay be inh aled;swallowed and comply with th e sam e developm entas ingested eggs  R etroinfection:orth e m igration ofnewly h atch ed larvae from th e analskinback into th e rectum S ym ptom s 1/3 ofpinworm infected individuals are asym ptom atic th e adultworm s m ay trigger sligh t irritation ofth e intestinalm ucosa m ajorsym ptom is analpruritus restlessness,nervousness,& irritability (resulting from poorsleep related to analpruritus) in younger girls:m igration ofth e worm s m ay produce vaginitis orgranulom a of th e peritonealcavity Diagnosis relies upon onrecovery of th e ch aracteristiceggs eggs & fem ale adults can be rem oved from th e folds ofth e skininth e perianal regions by th e use ofth e A dultP inworm s onth e perianalskin S cotch tape sw ab m eth od Th e exam inationsh ould be m ade inth e m orning, earlier than th e patienth as wash ed ordefecated C ase report 35-year-old > introduced com plaints of cram ps,diarrh oea,lowerabdom inal ache,m ild iron-deficiency anaem ia with out: weigh tloss,nausea,vom iting orgastrointestinalbleeding G astroscopy,colonoscopy,sm allbowel follow-th rough,laboratory information and faecalm icroscopy have been norm al C apsule endoscopy:m ultiple sm alllive worm s have been identified ~4m m long;swam inth e distaljejunum & ileum H istopath ology:E verm icularis Treatm ent:with A lbendaz ole 400 m g as soon as a day for3 days and iron supplem ents;sym ptom s h advert com pletely disappeared T reatm ent P yrantelP am oat C om bantrin,250 m g-tablets orS uspension 1 x 11 m g/kg;repeatafter2 weeks M ebendaz ol P antelm in,one hundred m g-tablets 1 x one hundred m g; repeatafter2 weeks A lbendaz ol Eskaz ole,400 m g-pills 1 x four hundred m g;repeatafter2 weeks th e m edicationdoes notkillalleggs th e second dose preventre-infection by adultworm s th ath atch from any eggs notkilled by th e firsttreatm ent inh ouseh olds wh ere m ore th anone m em beris contaminated itis recom m ended th at allh ouseh old m em bers be handled atth e sam e tim e L ym ph atic filariasis K ey details W uch ereria bancrofti:(ninety% ofth e instances) B rugia m alayi B. 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