mobile spot 4
published by Deactive на 2007-12-18 20:28:53
Вашето мнение относно The Invasion може да оставите тук. Писането на български и спазването на добрия тон е задължително!
published by tonypop на 2007-12-18 21:22:03
Позволявам си да ви копна тук нещо, което (сигурен съм) повечето от вас прочитат почти винаги за подобен род филми. И все пак, понеже това е написано доста професионално и е доста близко и до моето мнение а тъй като все още никой нищо не е споделил за филма смятам, че ще ви допадне ;)
IMDb User comment: .... For whatever reason Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig chose to be a part of this project, it isn't a bad call. "The invasion" is a good movie and one of the finest thriller-horror remakes ever made. The story is about an alien epidemic sweeping the world and turning people into emotionless replica's. The original film and its finest remake (the one featuring Donald Sutherland and Jeff Goldblum of 1978) are a bit more horror-driven than this one. Those familiar with more than one version will notice the few changes this film has made. Apart from the slightly disappointing ending (which I believe is the only real flaw this movie has), everything falls pretty much into place. They also seem to rush things a little too hard near the end, but that might be the obvious choice of the director to put a little action into the plot. Pity however that these very scenes appear overly hectic for they clearly diminish the stressful fear that this otherwise very decent thriller earlier had.
In short: "The invasion" is a good thriller mainly because, as a remake telling the same story all over again, it still manages to be quite refreshing supported by a beautiful cast. Shame about the ending though: but those who have never watched anything like this before, shouldn't take this as a minor thing. It's only when you compare it to the endings of the previous Body-Snatcher films that you realize that the older films have a far more gruesome finale … and one that sticks to mind!
User Rating: 6.0/10 (4,836 votes)
published by smsliverpool на 2007-12-18 21:22:14
Филмчето си струва.Напрегнат филм.
published by mit1 на 2007-12-18 23:04:13