отговор:[code]Complete guide to installing and cracking ESX Server 3.5
(I added this guide after being frustrated with finding no useful instructions in this and previous scene releases. Enjoy!)
1) Install ESX Server 3.5
2) enable SSH access for root
For increased security, SSH is disabled by default for the root account on ESX Server 3. That is, the actual sshd service does not allow root logins. Non-root users are able to log in with ssh. This is another layer of protection in addition to the host firewall.
Here are the steps required to enable direct root access for SSH and SCP clients:
If you have physical access to the server, log into the console of your ESX Server as root.
If you can only connect to the ESX Server host over the network, connect using an SSH client (such as PuTTY) and log in as a user other than root. After you are logged in, switch to the root user with the following command:
su -
Note: If you do not have any other users on the ESX Server host, you can create a new user by connecting directly to the ESX Server host with VI Client. You will see a Users and a Groups tab. Be sure to give the new user shell access.
Edit the configuration file for SSH with the following command:
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the line that starts with PermitRootLogin and change the "no" to "yes". You can find this line about 2 pages down from the top. Save the file by first pressing Ctrl-O and then Enter. Exit with Ctrl-X.
Restart the SSH service with the following command:
service sshd restart
2) PuTTY to the ESX Server
There should be two processes associated with the vmware-hostd process (type "ps -ef | grep hostd", minus quotes to check). One is the watchdog that restarts the vmware-hostd process if it crashes.
a) stop the watchdog process and the vmware-hostd process
"service mgmt-vmware stop"
3) WinSCP to the ESX server
a) rename "/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/vmware-hostd" to "/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/vmware-hostd.bak"
b) rename "/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/libvimsvc.so" to "/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/libvimsvc.so.bak"
c) replace "/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/vmware-hostd" and "/usr/lib/vmware/hostd/libvimsvc.so" with the files from the crack and make them executable (this can be done in the copy dialog of WinSCP or with chmod on the command-line).
d) restart the hostd and watchdog processes
"service mgmt-vmware start"
4) Install Windows then VirtualCenter Server from the Companion CD (preferrably in a virtual machine)
a) Run "VMware-vcserver.exe" from the "vpx" folder on the CD
b) During setup, uncheck "I want to evaluate the product first" and ensure the first radio button is selected (Install a local VMware License Server)
c) The next step allows you to choose your license file. Browse to the Crack folder on the CD and choose the vmware.lic file.
d) Stop the "VMware VirtualCenter Server" service
e) rename vpxd.exe in "C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server" to vpxd.exe.bak
f) copy vpxd.exe from the Crack folder of the Companion CD to "C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\VirtualCenter Server"
g) Start the "VMware VirtualCenter Server" service
5) Install the Virtual Infrastructure Client (on same or different machine)
6) Login to the VirtualCenter Server machine (use credentials local to the VirtualCenter Server machine or an Active Directory account if the server is part of a domain)
7) Add new Datacenter, then ESX host to the Datacenter
8) Click on the newly added host and navigate to the Configuration tab
a) Choose "Security Profile" in the left side menu and edit the Properties
b) Allow NFS Client and VMware License Client ports
9) Still on the Configuration tab
a) Choose Licensed Features in the left side menu
b) Edit the License Source to be the newly installed VirtualCenter Server
c) Edit the ESX Server Edition and choose ESX Server Foundation or ESX Server Standard.
10) You may want to reboot the ESX server at this point