Ммм, сега като гледам датите става ясно, че 19 и 20 ще излязат съответно на 05.07 и 19.07 - което си е през 2 седмици, а 21 епизод вече излиза на 26.07 - което е вече познатия ни нормален срок от ч седмица :)
Обаче пък сега има нов проблем... От dattebayo има вероятност да изоставят превода на Naruto... вижте защо!
Wondering where is this week's Naruto?
Guess what. Profits are down again, Pokemon ratings are dropping faster than iPhone sales, and since we were refused entry to Otakon, we need to get into 20 other less relevant anime cons, and most importantly - Naruto and Bleach keep showing up on Youtube and other crap video upload sites regularly, so here's the deal: Pokemon reaches 100k downloads per episode within 24 hours, or else Naruto is permanently dropped*.
You heard it here first.
*Note: Only the English, French, and Portuguese-Brazilian versions of Naruto will be dropped. We will still release the Hebrew sub.
Dattebayo Staff