Този пост е за по- грамотните- те ще разберат причините, а останалите да продължат да се чудят защо аджеба не става толкова лесно, колкото изглежда и ще именоват "fake" всеки втори релийс, ще си блъскат главата защо се използват предимно файловете от демото:
And for people who are minding why it takes so long to crack this game I will try to explain it the best I can.
The problem is not too much about the activation but because this new version of SecuRom disable all attempts of debugging with almost all the known means. The only way to debug is using WinDbg but the problem here is that it doesn't let debug libraries, and it is not a good debugger for reverse engineering. If one cannot debug the library where the activation is stored all become complicated and one must research manually where the code is. It takes a lot of time and a lot of skill to find the code to be changed without a debugger helping. Anyway it will be done, it will need only a bit more time.
And for people that except that this has already been done, I tell you this: this time is different, other times all that sufficed was "cloacking" the debuggers, now it doesn't. The new version of SecuRom finds all hacking and cloacking-hacking tools.
EDIT: Another thing. Without a debugger you must change the binaries of the files, i.e. hex-editing the code, and it is more difficult than just changing memory parameters in assembly with a debugger