Който неможе да активира Виста нека пробва това вместо активация. Би следвало на всеки 29 дни да удължава срока за активация а след изтичане на максималния брой от 3 пъти по 30 дена би следвало да нулира брояча и да има нови 3 пъти.... и така до безкрай. Пробвал съм само пускането на нови 30 дена. След 3 месеца ще пробвам и ресета на брояча
1. Click on the Start Button, type in Task Manager and hit Enter.
2. When Task Scheduler loads, right click on Task Scheduler Library and select Create Task.
3. Enter in a name for the new task such as "Activation Period Reset". Also, make sure that the user this account is run under is part of the Administrators group and the Run with highest privileges box is checked.
4. Click on the Triggers tab and hit the New button.
5. On the New Trigger tab, select Daily and Recur every 29 days (since activation is required 30 days after a reset) and hit OK.
6. Click on the Actions tab and hit New.
7. Enter in slmgr.vbs in the program/script box.
8. Enter in -rearm in the arguments box and hit OK.
9. Hit OK to save the settings for the new task you created.
10. Now you are ready for the second registry key change that will allow you to run the slmgr.vbs -rearm command more than three times. To do this, right click on the Task Scheduler Library folder again and select Create Task.
11. Enter in a name for the new task such as "Slmgr Reset ". Also, make sure that the user this account is run under is part of the Administrators group and the Run with highest privileges box is checked.
12. Click on the Triggers tab and hit the New button.
13. On the New Trigger tab, select Daily and Recur every 179 days (since slmgr needs to be reset after 180 days) and hit OK.
14. Click on the Actions tab and hit New.
15. Download and save this registry file to your computer.
16. Enter in regedit in the program/script box.
17. Enter in /s "full path to reg file" in the arguments box and hit OK.
18. Hit OK to save the settings for the new task you created.
19. Your computer is now configured to automatically reset the activation period every 29 days and reset your ability to reset the activation period every 179 days.