mobile spot 4

The Love Letter

The Love Letter (2025)
The Love Letter
5.913 from 10 with total 23 votes
90 minutes
Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she turns him down, he ends up at the café downstairs. Inspiration strikes and he sits down to write her a long love letter, dodging everything he was supposed to do that day. What begins as a last attempt to get her back surprisingly turns into a vivid musing on the state of his life. Over the course of a day, helped by a wisecracking bartender and an array of patrons from the neighborhood, Jonas has to face his past relationships, his uncertain future and, most of all, himself.

Grégory Montel character Jonas

Grégory Gadebois character Mathieu

Anaïs Demoustier character Léa

Léa Drucker character Harriet

Nadège Beausson-Diagne character Loubna

Pablo Pauly character Nino

Charlotte Clamens character Madame Valdor

Gaëtan Peau character Le fils Valdor

Jean-François Sivadier character Majoux

Solène Rigot character La jeune voyageuse

Stéphanie Aflalo character La vendeuse papeterie

Nadir Legrand character Le chauffeur de taxi

Gabrielle Legrand character Chloé

Océane Court-Mallaroni character La serveuse

Ismaël Sy Savané character Le gardien

Pierre Johann character Le vieux monsieur hôpital

David Sztanke character Le médecin

Christophe Ntakabanyura character Le client radin

Laura Chetrit character La cliente accablée

Yumi Narita character La femme au téléphone

Alexandra Duvivier character La magicienne

Florian Maviel character Le violoniste

Vincent Bramoullé character Paulo

Pierre Girard character Le cuisinier

Joël Clabault character Le client taciturne