mobile spot 4

Starred Up

Starred Up (2025)
Starred Up
7.1 from 10 with total 662 votes
106 minutes
19-year-old Eric, arrogant and ultra-violent, is prematurely transferred to the same adult prison facility as his estranged father. As his explosive temper quickly finds him enemies in both prison authorities and fellow inmates — and his already volatile relationship with his father is pushed past breaking point — Eric is approached by a volunteer psychotherapist, who runs an anger management group for prisoners. Torn between gang politics, prison corruption, and a glimmer of something better, Eric finds himself in a fight for his own life, unsure if his own father is there to protect him or join in punishing him.

Jack O'Connell character Eric Love

Ben Mendelsohn character Neville Love

Rupert Friend character Oliver Baumer

David Ajala character Tyrone

Peter Ferdinando character Spencer

Gershwyn Eustache Jnr character Des

Anthony Welsh character Hassan

David Avery character Ashley

Sian Breckin character Governor Cardew

Sam Spruell character Deputy Governor Haynes

Gilly Gilchrist character Principal Officer Scott

Frederick Schmidt character Officer Gentry

Edna Caskey character Officer Evans

Duncan Airlie James character Officer White

Matt Faris character Officer Hall

Tommy McDonnell character Officer Self

James Doran character Officer Smith

Ian Beattie character Officer Johnson

C.C. Smiff character Officer Corsair

Jonathan Asser character Officer Edwards

Paddy Rocks character Officer Henry

Darren Hart character MacDonald

Raphael Sowole character Jago

Basil Abdul-Latif character Mubarak

Aisha Walters character Nurse Bankford

Ashley Chin character Ryan

Mark Asante character Denton

Paul Lewis Ferguson character Worsley

Ryan McKenna character O'Sullivan

Anthony Adjekum character Officer Wilson

Amma Boateng character Officer Stokes