mobile spot 4

Lucky Luke

Lucky Luke (2024)
Lucky Luke
5.4 from 10 with total 178 votes
92 minutes
Lucky Luke becomes the Sheriff of Daisy Town and runs out all the criminals. Then the Dalton brothers arrive and try to get the Indians to break the peace treaty and attack the town.

Terence Hill character Lucky Luke

Nancy Morgan character Lotta Legs

Roger Miller character Jolly Jumper

Ron Carey character Joe Dalton

Dominic Barto character William Dalton

Bo Greigh character Jack Dalton

Fritz Sperberg character Averell Dalton

Arsenio "Sonny" Trinidad character Ming Li Fu

Neil Summers character Deputy Virgil

Mark Hardwick character Hank, the Bartender

Buff Douthitt character The Mayor

Sky Fabin character Digger Graves

Marc Mouchet character Seth Schultz

Radha Delamarter character Martha Schultz

Robin Westphal character Corinne

Deborah Mansy character Belle

Andrea Camarena-Lindsay character Saloon Girl

Paula Baz character Saloon Girl

Amy Martin character Saloon Girl

Kira Davis character Saloon Girl

Robyn Reede character Saloon Girl

Jack Caffrey character Bowler

Roger Matter character Man in Wheelchair

Nicholas Anthony character Ace

Kenny Dikerson character Lt. Michael Reed

Phil Tracy Delgado character Miner

Dave Thomas character Chief Prairie Dog

Kee Bahe Elsisie character Two Feathers

Jose Rey Toledo character Redfoot

Fredrick Lopez character Coyote Coyote

Carl Allrunner Vicenti character Sick Eagle

William P. Yazzie character Snake in the Grass

Kenneth White II character Brave

Virginia Bird character Squaw

Pete Oka character Lone Indian

Richard Montoya character 1st Indian

Redbird character Swiftdeer

Boots Southerland character Drunken Cowboy

Michael L. Morrow character Cowboy #2

Michael Pritchard character Wrangler

Adam Taylor character Outlaw

James Tarwater character Cardplayer / Desperado #1

Jerry Hardin character Cardplayer / Desperado #2

Arthur Collins character Wide-eyed Cowboy

Stephanie Barber character Berkshire Woman

Douglas Eckberg character Vice-President