mobile spot 4

Same Kind of Different as Me

Same Kind of Different as Me (2025)
Same Kind of Different as Me
6.8 from 10 with total 140 votes
119 minutes
International art dealer Ron Hall must befriend a dangerous homeless man in order to save his struggling marriage to his wife, a woman whose dreams will lead all three of them on the journey of their lives.

Greg Kinnear character Ron Hall

Djimon Hounsou character Denver

Renée Zellweger character Deborah Hall

Jon Voight character Earl Hall

Olivia Holt character Regan Hall

Peyton Wich character Young Bobby

Lara Grice character Bobby's Mom

Ty Parker character Bobby

Dana Gourrier character Willow

Mykel Shannon Jenkins character B.B.

Ann Mahoney character Clara

Stephanie Leigh Schlund character C.C.

Tonea Stewart character Big Mama

David Jensen character Bum

Theodus Crane character Tiny

Nyles Steele character Chook

Thomas Francis Murphy character Chef Jim

Daniel Zacapa character Julio Larraz

Geraldine Singer character Tommye Hall

Rudy Eisenzopf character Bus Driver

Kenda Benward character Janet

Vince Pisani character Curator

Regina Taufen character Voice

Trey McGriff character Crazy Homeless Man

Austin Filson character Carson Hall

Jaclyn Bethany character 1940s Girl

Al Mitchell character Old Black Man

Lucky Johnson character Thug

David Dino Wells Jr. character Mister

John Newberg character Hank

Michael Southworth character Assistant Chef

Stacy Hall character Brother Brown

Calvin Williams character Uncle James

Pedro Lucero character Killer

Emerson Rhinewalt character Carla's Son

Tyler Galpin character Weasel

Abigail C Addison character Pedestrian

Mary Hunter Johnston character Little Girl

Anne Speed character Dream Walker

O.S. Hawkins character Pastor

John Teal Jr. character Homeless Core Group

Nathan Tremaine character Bum

Laura Pittman character Art Gallery Patron

Ashton Cotton character Young Denver

Monica Louwerens character Susan

Emanuel Brooks character Dream Walker

Griffin Donnell character Little Girl

Lamar Lott character Mourner (uncredited)

Justin Mabry character Artist, Funeral attendee (uncredited)

Leslie Saucier character Family Mourner (uncredited)

Wendie Sheppard character Friend of Family (uncredited)